Series Zero Ura Notes and Coins
Central Ura is the official currency of the Ura Monetary System. Central Ura Organization LLC which is a limited liability company registered in the State of Ohio in the United States of America, its successors, and assigns (“CUO”) is the supervisory authority over the Ura Monetary System and has mandated the Central Ura Reserve Limited (“CUR”) and the Central Ura Reserve Management LLC (“CURM”) to issue, distribute, circulate, and manage Ura. Subject to the Ura Monetary System and Monetary Policy objectives set from time to time by CUO, 1 Ura is equal to Cru 2.47340961. This means that subject to notifications of the redemption value of Ura updated from time to time on this website by CUO, 1 Ura is redeemable for Cru 2.47340961. Ura is exchangeable for its equivalent value in any other currency. The market exchange rates for Ura can be any amount and may be different from the official exchange rates for Ura as updated from time to time on this website by CUO.
When Resource Mobilization Inc, its successors, and assigns (“RMI”), adopted the acronym URA, derived from Universal Receivables Assignment of RMI’s existing receivables to be the name of the money drawn on its existing receivable on 11/14/14, Ura Monetary System serendipitously emerged. The qualifier “Central” represent the global nature of Ura. The full name of Ura is therefore Central Ura. One Ura was divided into 100 Fairs which means fractions of Ura. On 01/23/22 the administrators of Ura changed the term Fairs to Cents, paving the way for Ura cent(s), so now one Ura is divided into 100 Ura cents.
The amount of Ura available for utilization is limited to the amount of Cru available for redemption but the sheer amount of RMI receivables tokenized in relation to expected global demand, position Ura available to unlimited status. The unlimited availability of Ura notwithstanding, the amount of Ura in circulation is always subject to the Ura Monetary System and Ura Monetary policy objectives of CUO.

CUO had authorized the Central URA Reserve Limited (CUR) to work with Ura Fiduciary Printers to mint coins denominated in Ura and Ura cents and the print paper currency issued as Ura notes. CUR under the direction of CUO has released the Series Zero Ura Notes and Coins. However, the Series Zero is not intended for circulation, instead, it serves as a specimen for the development of the Ura Currency System’s in series beginning with Series One (1). The forthcoming Series One will be produced in the same denominations as the Series Zero, but with slight design variations that will be democratically agreed upon by the Ura Central Banks (UCB), the Ura Fiduciary Printers, the Central Ura Reserve Limited (CUR), the Central Ura Reserve Management LLC (CURM), and the CUO. The concerted effort among these key institutions will emit Series One that not only embodies the global essence of Ura but also resonates with the citizens of the world, regardless of their ages and backgrounds. The First Series will have improved security features ensuring that Ura remains a trustworthy and reliable medium of exchange in the eyes of the public.
Coins in the Ura ecosystem are denominated in Ura and Ura cents. 1 Ura is equal to Cru 2.47340961. Ura is exchangeable for its equivalent value in any currency. The market exchange rates for Ura can be any amount and may be different from the official exchange rates for Ura as updated from time to time on this website by CUO. 1 Ura is divided into 100 Ura cents. CUR under the direction of CUO has released the Series Zero Ura Coins.


1 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: One Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.01
Denomination: “0.01 Ura” is prominently displayed on One Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features: One Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on One Ura Cent Coins is in English language
Serial Number: Each One Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of One Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):
The back of One Ura Cent Coins prominently features the World map.

2 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Two Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.02
Denomination: “0.02 Ura” is prominently displayed on Two Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features: Two Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Two Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Two Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Two Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Two Ura Cent Coins features Africa Continent map.
5 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Five Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.05
Denomination: “0.05 Ura” is prominently displayed on Five Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Five Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Five Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Five Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Five Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Five Ura Cent Coins prominently features Asia continent map.

10 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Ten Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.10
Denomination: “0.10 Ura” is prominently displayed on Ten Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Ten Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Ten Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Ten Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Ten Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Ten Ura Cent Coins prominently features Europe continent map.
20 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Twenty Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.20
Denomination:”0.20 Ura” is prominently displayed on Twenty Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Twenty Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers
Official Language and Wording: The text on Twenty Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Twenty Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Twenty Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Twenty Ura Cent Coins features South America Continent map.

50 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Fifty Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.50
Denomination:”0.50 Ura” is prominently displayed on Fifty Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Fifty Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Fifty Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number:Each Fifty Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Fifty Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Fifty Ura Cent Coins features the Antarctica Continent map.
Ura Notes

One Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: One Ura Note symbol is 1
Denomination: “1 Ura” is prominently displayed on One Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: One Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for One Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Pink, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: One Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: One Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on One Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each One Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of One Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back side of One Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from North America.

Two Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Two Ura Note symbol is 2
Denomination: “2 Ura” is prominently displayed on Two Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: Two Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Two Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Blue, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: Two Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: Two Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Two Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each Two Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Two Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Two Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from Africa.
Five Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Five Ura Note symbol is 5
Denomination: “5 Ura” is prominently displayed on Five Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: Five Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Five Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Blue, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: Five Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: Five Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Five Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each Five Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Five Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Five Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from Asia.

Ten Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Ten Ura Note symbol is 10
Denomination: “10 Ura” is prominently displayed on Ten Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: Ten Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Ten Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Purple, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: Ten Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: Ten Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Ten Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each Ten Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Ten Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Ten Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from Europe.
Twenty Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Twenty Ura Note symbol is 20
Denomination: “20 Ura” is prominently displayed on Twenty Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: Twenty Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Twenty Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Green, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: Twenty Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: Twenty Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Twenty Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each Twenty Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Twenty Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Twenty Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from South America.

Fifty Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:Fifty Ura Note symbol is 50
Denomination: “50 Ura” is prominently displayed on Fifty Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: Fifty Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Fifty Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Indigo, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material:Fifty Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: Fifty Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Fifty Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each Fifty Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Fifty Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Fifty Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from the Continent of Oceania
One Hundred Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: One Hundred Ura Note symbol is 100
Denomination: “100 Ura” is prominently displayed on One Hundred Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: One Hundred Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for One Hundred Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Beige, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: One Hundred Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: One Hundred Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on One Hundred Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each One Hundred Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of One Hundred Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of One Hundred Ura Notes prominently features specific image of a world heritage site from Asia.