Ura Currency System

Ura is exchangeable for its equivalent value in any currency. The market exchange rates for Ura can be any amount and may be different from the vault exchange rates for Ura as updated from time to time by the Central Ura Reserve Limited (CUR), as per direction from the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO).
Ura Currency System Distribution Network
The Ura Currency System is well-coordinated to ensure the smooth circulation of the Ura currency in the global economy, fostering trust and confidence in its value and reliability as global honest money. Overseeing the Ura Currency System are several key institutions: the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO), the Central Ura Reserve Limited, the Central Ura Reserve Management LLC (CURM), the Ura Central Banks, and the Ura Fiduciary Printers.
The Central Ura Reserve Limited (CUR) has mandated the Ura Fiduciary Printers to print and mint Ura notes and coins per the currency denominations, designs, and security features agreed upon by the CUR, Ura Central Banks, and the Ura Fiduciary Printers, and approved by the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO).
Subsequently, per the directives of the Ura Monetary Policy set by the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO), the Central Ura Reserve Limited (CUR) globally issues digital Ura to the Ura Central Banks (UCB). The Ura Central Banks (UCB) according to their market needs place an order for Ura notes and coins with the mandated Ura Fiduciary Printers for physical distribution to Ura Financial Institutions (UFIs) which include banks, credit unions, and other financial entities. The UCB also distributes digital Ura to UFI’s based on market demand. Through this network, Physical Ura notes and coins and digital Ura are readily available to the public to serve as a medium of exchange in the domestic and global economies. The Network ensures that Ura, in physical and digital forms effectively reach the public within their respective territories, fostering widespread accessibility and usage.

Ura Currency System Funding
The production and distribution of physical Ura notes and coins and digital Ura are financed by Ura Central Banks under the direct supervision of the Central Ura Reserve Limited which bears the responsibility of overseeing the entire currency production process as the institution mandated to oversee the Ura Currency System on behalf of the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO). The costs associated with printing, minting, and distribution of Ura notes and coins to the respective Ura Financial Institutions in their territories are covered by funds managed by Ura Central Banks. These funds come from the revenue generated by Ura Central Banks (UCB) through its operations. By funding the production and distribution of physical and digital Ura currency in their respective territories, Ura Central Banks ensure the smooth operation of the URA Monetary Structure and the accessibility of Ura currency within their respective territories.
Ura Currency Series Zero
The Ura Currency System presently features a distinct series known as the Series Zero, designed by the Central URA Organization LLC (CUO). However, the Series Zero is not intended for circulation, instead, it serves as a specimen for the development of the Ura Currency System’s in series beginning with Series One (1). This forthcoming First Series will be produced in the same denominations as the Series Zero, but with slight design variations that will be democratically agreed upon by the Ura Central Banks (UCB), the Ura Fiduciary Printers, and the Central Ura Reserve Limited (CUR). The concerted effort among these key institutions will emit Series One that not only embodies the global essence of Ura but also resonates with the citizens of the world, regardless of their ages and backgrounds. Series One will have improved security features ensuring that Ura remains a trustworthy and reliable medium of exchange in the eyes of the public.

Ura Currency System Funding:
The production and distribution of physical Ura notes and coins and digital Ura are financed by Ura Central Banks under the direct supervision of the Central Ura Reserve Limited which bears the responsibility of overseeing the entire currency production process as the institution mandated to oversee the Ura Currency System on behalf of the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO). The costs associated with printing, minting, and distribution of Ura notes and coins to the respective Ura Financial Institutions in their territories are covered by funds managed by Ura Central Banks. These funds come from the revenue generated by Ura Central Banks (UCB) through its operations. By funding the production and distribution of physical and digital Ura currency in their respective territories, Ura Central Banks ensure the smooth operation of the Ura Monetary Structure and the accessibility of Ura currency within their respective territories.
Ura Currency Zero Series:
The Ura Currency System presently features a distinct series known as the Zero Series, designed by the Central Ura Organization LLC (CUO). However, the Zero Series is not intended for circulation, instead, it serves as a specimen for the development of the Ura Currency System’s First Series. This forthcoming First Series will be produced in the same denominations as the Zero Series, but with slight design variations that will be democratically agreed upon by the Ura Central Banks (UCB), the Ura Fiduciary Printers, and the Central Ura Reserve Limited (CUR). The concerted effort among these key institutions will emit the First Series that not only embodies the global essence of Ura but also resonates with the citizens of the world, regardless of their ages and backgrounds. The First Series will have improved security features ensuring that Ura remains a trustworthy and reliable medium of exchange in the eyes of the public.
Zero Series Ura Notes
Technical Specifications Of Ura Currency
One Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol: One Ura Note symbol is 1
Denomination: “1 Ura” is prominently displayed on One Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour: One Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for One Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Pink, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: One Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features: One Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on One Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number: Each One Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of One Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back side of One Ura Notes features the Statue of Liberty to symbolize freedom, democracy, hope, and opportunity.

Two Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:Two Ura Note symbol is 2
Denomination: “2 Ura” is prominently displayed on Two Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour:
Two Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Two Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Blue, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: Two Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features:Two Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Two Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number:Each Two Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Two Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Two Ura Notes features The Egyptian Giza pyramid as a symbol of history, culture, and achievement.
Five Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:Five Ura Note symbol is 5
Denomination: “5 Ura” is prominently displayed on Five Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour:Five Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Five Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Blue, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material: Two Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features:Two Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Two Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number:Each Two Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Two Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Two Ura Notes features The Egyptian Giza pyramid as a symbol of history, culture, and achievement.

Ten Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:Ten Ura Note symbol is 10
Denomination: “10 Ura” is prominently displayed on Ten Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour:Two Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Two Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Blue, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material:Ten Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features:Ten Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Ten Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number:Each Ten Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Ten Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Ten Ura Notes features The Acropolis to convey a sense of hope and resilience.
Twenty Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:Twenty Ura Note symbol is 20
Denomination: “20 Ura” is prominently displayed on Twenty Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour:Twenty Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Twenty Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Green, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material:Twenty Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features:Twenty Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Twenty Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number:Each Twenty Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Twenty Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Twenty Ura Notes features Machu Picchu to celebrate history and culture

Fifty Ura Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:Fifty Ura Note symbol is 50
Denomination: “50 Ura” is prominently displayed on Fifty Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour:Fifty Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for Fifty Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Indigo, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material:Fifty Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features:Fifty Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording:The text on Fifty Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number:Each Fifty Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Fifty Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Fifty Ura Notes features Kakadu National Park to communicate the values of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and biodiversity.
One Hundred Note: Technical Specifications
Symbol:One Hundred Ura Note symbol is 100
Denomination: “100 Ura” is prominently displayed on One Hundred Ura Notes, indicating its value.
Design and Colour:One Hundred Ura Notes design features intricate patterns, images, and artwork as per the dictates of the Ura Currency System for One Hundred Ura Notes. The main colour scheme is Beige, to distinguish it from other denominations.
Material:One Hundred Ura Notes are printed on high-quality polymer material for durability and a tactile distinctive feel.
Security Features:One Hundred Ura Notes incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording:The text on One Hundred Ura Notes is in the English language.
Serial Number:Each One Hundred Ura Note has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of One Hundred Ura Notes features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of One Hundred Ura Notes features Mount Everest to celebrate the human potential and the ability to overcome challenges.

Zero Series Ura Coins
1 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: One Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.01
Denomination: “0.01 Ura” is prominently displayed on One Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features: One Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on One Ura Cent Coins is in English language
Serial Number: Each One Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of One Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of One Ura Cent Coins features The World.

2 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Two Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.02
Denomination: “0.02 Ura” is prominently displayed on Two Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features: Two Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Two Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Two Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Two Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Two Ura Cent Coins features Africa Continent.
5 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Five Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.05
Denomination: “0.05 Ura” is prominently displayed on Five Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Five Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Five Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Five Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Five Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Five Ura Cent Coins features Asia Continent.

10 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Ten Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.10
Denomination: “0.10 Ura” is prominently displayed on Ten Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Ten Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Ten Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Ten Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Ten Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back): The back of Ten Ura Cent Coins features Europe’s Continent.
20 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Twenty Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.20
Denomination:”0.20 Ura” is prominently displayed on Twenty Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Twenty Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers
Official Language and Wording: The text on Twenty Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number: Each Twenty Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front): The front side of Twenty Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Twenty Ura Cent Coins features South America Continent.

50 Ura Cent: Technical Specifications
Symbol: Fifty Ura Cent Coin symbol is 0.50
Denomination:”0.50 Ura” is prominently displayed on Fifty Ura Cent Coins, indicating its value.
Security Features:Fifty Ura Cent Coins incorporate security features provided by Ura Fiduciary Printers.
Official Language and Wording: The text on Fifty Ura Cent Coins is in English language.
Serial Number:Each Fifty Ura Cent Coin has a unique alphanumeric serial number for tracking and identification purposes.
The obverse (Front):The front side of Fifty Ura Cent Coins features the Ura symbol, the denomination, and artistic elements.
Reverse (Back):The back of Fifty Ura Cent Coins features the Antarctica Continent.