URA Currency
Central Ura
A Global Standard for Empowering Communities and Building Lasting Wealth
Central Ura is a revolutionary form of money that represents the functional unit of the Central Ura Monetary System, which operates under the broader Credit-to-Credit (C2C) Monetary System. Central Ura serves as Reserve Money, Complementary Money, and a powerful tool for preserving the purchasing power of earned income. It fulfills the original intention of currency—acting as a conveyor of money, facilitating transactions, preserving value, and empowering economic growth.
What is Central Ura?
On November 14, 2014, Resource Mobilization Inc., its successors, and assigns (“RMI”) adopted the acronym URA, derived from Universal Receivables Assignment, as the name of the money issued from its existing US-dollar receivables. This marked the serendipitous emergence of the Central Ura Monetary System. The qualifier “Central” represents the global nature of Ura. Thus, Central Ura (“Ura” or “URA”), denoted by the currency code URU and the currency symbol (or “U” or “u”), is the official unit of money within the Central Ura Monetary System.
Central Ura Organization LLC (“CUO”), a limited liability company registered in Ohio, USA, is the authorized global authority over the Central Ura Monetary System. CUO has mandated Central Ura Reserve Limited (“CUR”) and Central Ura Reserve Management LLC (“CURM”) to manage and circulate Central Ura as global honest money used in everyday economic activities.
Central Ura: Honest Money and Asset-Backed Value
Central Ura is privately issued honest money that complements, rather than replaces, fiat and other forms of money. Unlike fiat currencies, which derive their value from faith and speculation, Central Ura’s value comes from the underlying assets it is drawn on—Central Receivable Units (CRU). CRUs are units of existing US-dollar-based receivables owned by RMI, also referred to as the Ura Reserve. The value of Central Ura is consistently equivalent to the value of the reserve, ensuring stability. The current exchange rate indicates that 1 Ura is equivalent to US$136.04.
The Emergence of Central Ura: Addressing Gaps in the Global Monetary System
Fiat currency originated when governments decoupled currency from money. Historically, currency was a conveyor of money—often backed by tangible assets like gold or silver. However, in the 20th century, this backing was abandoned, leading to the issuance of fiat currency, which derives its value from government decree rather than intrinsic asset backing. This decoupling had several unintended consequences:
- Depleting Purchasing Power of Earned Income:
Without the backing of tangible assets, fiat currency is prone to inflation. As a result, the purchasing power of earned income erodes over time, reducing individuals’ ability to buy goods and services. - Mounting National Debts:
The use of fiat currency has facilitated an era of mounting national debts. Governments borrow extensively, issuing fiat currency without the discipline that was once imposed by asset-backed money. - Challenges for Developing Nations:
Developing economies have faced limited access to international capital markets and increased vulnerability to financial instability. The inability to maintain the value of their fiat currencies has often led to economic crises and has been perceived by some as part of a neocolonialist project to keep these nations impoverished.

Central Ura as Complementary Money
Physical Central Ura Coins and Notes

Central Ura is the official money of the Central Ura Monetary System. The CUO has authorized CUR to produce coins and print currency denominated in Ura. CUR has released the Series Zero Ura Notes and Coins as specimens for the production of subsequent series, which will embody the global essence of Ura while resonating with individuals worldwide. Each series will feature improved security features, ensuring that Ura remains a trustworthy and reliable medium of exchange.
Digital Central Ura
Digital Ura is the electronic version of physical Central Ura, also known as Virtual Ura. It is issued, circulated, and regulated by CUR through National Central Ura Banks (NCUBs), National Central Ura Investment Banks (NCUIBs), Central Ura Banks (CUBs), and Central Ura Investment Banks (CUIBs) under the direction of CUO. Digital Ura has the same value as physical Ura notes and coins, and it can be withdrawn in physical Ura or exchanged for any other currency of equal value. Digital Ura facilitates seamless transactions across digital networks and is compatible with both centralized and decentralized financial institutions, enabling efficient use alongside fiat currencies.

Central Ura Accounts

CUO envisions existing fiat financial institutions with multicurrency management capabilities circulating and managing Central Ura as complementary money. These institutions can offer Ura accounts similar to fiat currency accounts, providing a safe, secure, and prudent method for holding, transferring, and exchanging Central Ura.
Central Ura Monetary System
Central Ura (“Ura” or “URA”), denoted by the currency code URU, is the official unit of money within the Central Ura Monetary System. The Central Ura Monetary System is overseen by Central Ura Reserve Limited, functioning as the global central bank within the Central Ura Monetary Structure. The system operates on a decimal basis, with 1 Ura divided into 100 Ura cents, represented by the symbol “u.”

Central Ura: A Tool for Wealth Preservation

- Reserve Money:
Central Ura can serve as reserve money for nations, helping stabilize economies and protect national reserves from inflation and currency devaluation. By adopting Central Ura, governments can reduce reliance on volatile fiat currencies and build a more resilient economic foundation. - Complementary Money:
Central Ura complements existing fiat currencies, offering a stable and secure alternative for everyday transactions. By using Central Ura, individuals and businesses can protect the purchasing power of their earned income and reduce exposure to the risks associated with currency fluctuations. - Preservation of Purchasing Power:
Central Ura preserves the purchasing power of earned income by being tied to real economic assets. Unlike fiat currencies that are prone to inflation, Central Ura maintains its value over time, ensuring long-term financial stability for individuals, businesses, and nations.
Join the Central Ura Movement
Central Ura offers a stable, asset-backed alternative to traditional money, providing a foundation for empowering communities and building lasting wealth. By integrating Central Ura into their financial systems, individuals, businesses, organizations, and nations can achieve economic resilience, preserve the value of their assets, and contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous global economy.
Unlock the potential of Central Ura: A Global Standard for Empowering Communities and Building Lasting Wealth.
Adopt Central Ura Today and be part of a movement that is transforming the way the world views money, stability, and inclusive prosperity.