Central Ura Organization LLC (Central Ura Organization or CUO) enabled environments conducive to the use of Central Ura as a widely accepted medium of exchange for daily transactions and trading activities. Markets enable sellers to showcase their inventories to users and grant buyers access to a diverse range of products and services, ultimately facilitating transactions with Central Ura as one of the accepted mediums of exchange. The inclusion of any marketplace on this page by Central Ura Organization does not imply endorsement, rather, it is provided exclusively for informational purposes.
Please take note that Ura can be exchanged for its corresponding value in any currency, and Ura exchange rates are not subject to or determined by any specific marketplace where Central Ura is exchanged, bought, or sold. Instead, the official exchange rate for Central Ura is the rate quoted on this website by CUO. The current Central Ura exchange rate is US$136.04 per 1 Ura as per the latest update by CUO on this website.
Any links provided on this Central Ura website to other external websites are included solely for your convenience and to serve as sources of information. Take note that these links do not constitute an endorsement or approval by Central Ura Organization of any products, services, or opinions presented on these external websites. Central Ura Organization assumes no responsibility for these external sites’ accuracy, legality, or content, including any subsequent links they may contain. If you have questions concerning the content of an external site, please direct your inquiries to the site in question.
The following marketplaces accept Ura as a medium of exchange. This list is not comprehensive, and Central Ura Organization will periodically update it on this website.
The Central Ura Organization has authorized Central Ura Reserve Limited to circulate Central Ura as global honest money on centralized and decentralized marketplaces. On centralized platforms such as Market 1, Central Ura is the actual representation of physical Central Ura, akin to fiat currencies. The official exchange rate for Central Ura is the rate quoted on this website, regardless of any other rates provided on alternative platforms where Central Ura is exchanged, bought, and sold. Currently, the exchange rate for Central Ura is US$136.04 per 1 Ura.
Market 1, a global e-commerce marketplace hosted on the K1malls platform, accepts Ura as a means of payment for purchasing and selling goods and services including Central Ura.
Go to Market 1
The Central Ura Organization has authorized Central Ura Reserve Limited to circulate Central Ura as global honest money on centralized and decentralized marketplaces. On decentralized platforms, such as StellerTerm, Central Ura is a digital, electronic, or virtual representation of physical Central Ura, akin to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The official exchange rate for Central Ura is the rate quoted on this website, regardless of any other rates provided on any decentralized platform where Central Ura is exchanged, bought, and sold. Currently, the exchange rate for Central Ura is US$136.04 per 1 Ura.
StellerTerm is a marketplace that can be used to access all assets on the Stellar network including Central Ura. This platform is subject to high market risks and volatility, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments in blockchain assets may result in the loss of part or all of your investment. StellarTerm does not endorse any asset on the Stellar network. Please do your research and use caution.
Go to StellarTerm
The Central Ura Organization has authorized Central Ura Reserve Limited to circulate Central Ura as global honest money on centralized and decentralized marketplaces. On centralized platforms such as Market 2, Central Ura is the actual representation of physical Central Ura, akin to fiat currencies. The official exchange rate for Central Ura is the rate quoted on this website, regardless of any other rates provided on alternative platforms where Central Ura is exchanged, bought, and sold. Currently, the exchange rate for Central Ura is US$136.04 per 1 Ura.
Market 2, a global e-commerce marketplace hosted on the K1malls platform, accepts Ura as a means of payment for purchasing and selling goods and services including Central Ura.
Go to Market 2
The Central Ura Organization has authorized Central Ura Reserve Limited to circulate Central Ura as global honest money on centralized and decentralized marketplaces. On decentralized platforms, such as Scopuly, Central Ura is a digital, electronic, or virtual representation of physical Central Ura, akin to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The official exchange rate for Central Ura is the rate quoted on this website, regardless of any other rates provided on any decentralized platform where Central Ura is exchanged, bought, and sold. Currently, the exchange rate for Central Ura is US$136.04 per 1 Ura.
Scopuly is a marketplace that can be used to access all assets on the Stellar network including Central Ura. This platform is subject to high market risks and volatility, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments in blockchain assets may result in the loss of part or all of your investment. Scopuly does not endorse any asset on the Stellar network. Please do your research and use caution.
Go to Scopuly